Liberty House
Ending Veteran homelessness
Liberty House is a 10-bed transitional housing program for homeless Veteran men. Working in collaboration with the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Liberty House is the only transitional program in Erie County specifically for homeless Veterans.
With an average stay of 3 to 6 months, Liberty House provides Veterans in need of a new beginning with the advocacy and community supports necessary to sustain independence and permanent housing.
Who We Serve:
· Honorably-discharged homeless male Veterans
· Other discharged homeless male Veterans not discharged by General Courts-Martial
How You Can Help:
· Groceries and donations of home cooked meals for 8 to 10 men are encouraged and welcomed.
· Individuals/groups are invited to cook for and fellowship with the men at Liberty House. For more information or to schedule a meal, contact Liberty House directly at (814) 874-3687 or email.
· To support Liberty House with a monetary donation, visit our Donate page.
· For the list of needed ministry supplies, visit our Needed Supplies page.
Richard's Story click here to read