Become an EUMA Sponsor!
Your business, church, or community organization can partner with EUMA in ending homelessness for Veterans, families with children and others in our community. Becoming an EUMA Sponsor is a great way for you to help those in need while promoting your business or organization in a positive way.
Contact the EUMA Development Department at (814) 456-8073 ext. or 106, or e-mail for more details.
Corporate Donor Spotlight of the Week
This Week's Corporate Sponsor Spotlight is Stairways Behavioral Health!
Stairways Behavioral Health assists persons with mental health care and addiction needs at any stage of life in their recovery by providing comprehensive rehabilitation, treatment, and supports essential for living, working, learning and participating fully in the community.
Stairways Behavioral Health is the most progressive mental health care provider in Erie, serving more than 8,000 people annually and employing more than 280 full and part-time mental health professionals for over 60 years.
Explore their services at